Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde, te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo: así te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera.

I made mistakes I caught some breaks, but I got no regrets
There's some things I don't remember, but one thing I don't forget when you're young you always think the sun is going to shine there will come a day When you have to say hello to goodbye shout it out let someone somewhere know that you're alive take these words wear them well live before you die

Live before you die...

Live before you die...

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

“Hachiko the dog’s story” Movie

This movie is Based on a true story from Japan, where Parker Wilson in the movie finds an abandoned dog at the train station and takes in home, then his wife look this dog and she want give back its owners because she had a dog and her dog dead, after many attempts to give back to Hachiko, they decide to stay with the dog, then parker discovered that name the dog is Hachiko and he take a lot of love.

Parker Wilson was a teacher of music in the University of Bedridge, Hachiko always was going to wait at the train station when returning from work. One day when Parke go to work Hachiko stay in the house and Parke go to train station only and then Hachiko appears with a ball and Hachiko want that he play with it, and he said that afternoon he come back but never come back, because when he was making classes of music he suffered a heart attack and he dead and Hachiko was waiting and never return, and the husband of the daughter of his master went to look for, but Hachiko always come back to the same place to waiting and waiting for his master died, and he was return to the same place about of 9 year and one day he was with his master.

Well in my opinion this movie is so beautiful because it shows a true story and love that an animal delivery, this movie takes my sold and I don’t have words for to explain my feeling because I was crying all the movie because I had a dog “Tommy” and I loved so much but he die about 4 moths and while saw the movie I remembered, but well the life is so, but the unconditional love the Hachiko and his loyalty is admirable because he always waiting for his master and when die (Hachiko) he went with his master.
In the real life has been many case about the dog than wait for his master die.

Well bye and take care..